Wednesday, December 13, 2006




Bulganchimeg said...

Dude minii beleg haana bna?
erchuuded ene beleg ni ihenhdee daramt shahalt boldog bna.
Gatsuur modnii door beleg beldhed,mon hairtsagtaa shokolad avhad 12hon l odor uldjee.
delguur bolon internetd mash olon songoltuud bna.
-Gehdee naiz ohindoo bolon ehnerdee taaruuhan beleg songvol yamar ch uuchlaltgui.hichneen chinii hamgiin sain golog ch gesen

Bulganchimeg said...

Dude minii beleg haana bna?
erchuuded ene beleg ni ihenhdee daramt shahalt boldog bna.
Gatsuur modnii door beleg beldhed,mon hairtsagtaa shokolad avhad 12hon l odor uldjee.
delguur bolon internetd mash olon songoltuud bna.
-Gehdee naiz ohindoo bolon ehnerdee taaruuhan beleg songvol yamar ch uuchlaltgui.hichneen chinii hamgiin sain golog ch gesen

Bulganchimeg said...

zasax ym alga cain bolcon baina

Bulganchimeg said...

zasax ym alga cain bolcon baina

Bayartsetseg said...

Heritage is our legase from the past wath we live with today and wath we pass on to future generations.Our cultural and nutural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration.Places as unique and diverse as the wild of East Africa's Serengeti,the pyramids of Egupt, the great Barrier Reef in Australia and the barequie cathedrals of latin america make up our world's heratige.Wath makes the concept of world heratige exceptional is its uneversal application.World heratige sites belong to all the peoples of world,irrespective of the terrotory on which they are located.The United Nation Educational,Scientific and Cultural organization{ UNESCO] seeks to encourage the identification protection and presercation of cultural and natural heratige around the world consedered to be of out standing value to humanity.This is embodied in an international treaty called the Protection of the cultural and natural herytage adopted by UNESCO in1972. UNESCO's world heratige mission is to; encourage countries to sign the world heratige convention and to their natural and cultural heratige .-
-Encourage States Parties to the convention to nominate sites wihtin their national territory for inclution on the world heratige list.
-encourage Stetas Parties to establish management plans and set up reporting systems on the state pf conservation of thier world heratige sites.
-help states parties safeguard world heratige proporties by providing technical assestance and professional trianign.

Ow bol ongorson yes bidend ulamjilan irsen horongo ba bidnii onoodriin amidral bolon ireedvin hoich vedee zalgamjluulah ed yum. Bidnii soyol bolon baigaliin ow horongo ni amisgal bolon amidraliin yugaarch ssolishgvi eh bulag bilee. Delhiin ow boloh Zvvn Apraciin serengetiin orgon tal ,egiptiin Peramid, awstraliin usan doorh aguu tom hadan haalt,mon Latin Amerikiin geh met delhiin ow boloh goyol chimeglelvvd ni olon torliin hosgvi saihan tsoriin gants gazar yum. Delhiin ow horongiin er busiin oilgoltiig bii bolgoh ni bvh niitiin heregtsee yum. Delhiin owe horongiin bairlal ni delhiin hvmvvs bolon bairlal hargalzahgvigeer orshdog. NVBiin bolowsrol shinjleh uhaanii soyliin baiguulal ni hvn torolhtnii status vnelgeeg heleltsen delhiin hvreelen bui baigali bolon soyliin ow horongiig hadgalan hamgaalah bolon tanin togtooh yawtsiig demjdeg yum. Baigaliin bolon souoliin ow horongiig hamgaalah tuhai ih hurlaar olon ulsiin geree bii bolson ba NVBiin bolowsrol shinjleh uhaanii souliin baiguullaga ni 1972 ond demjsen.NVBiin bolowsrol shinjleh uhaanii soyliin baiguullagiin delhiin ow horongiig hamgaalah zorilgo;
-baigali bolon soyliin ow horongiig hadgalan hamgaalah mon delhiin ow horongiin ih hurald gariin vseg zurah ornuudiig demjih
-delhiin ow horongiin jagsaaltand bagtah ulamjlalt nutag dewsgeriig ih hurald nutgiin nomuudiig demjih
-delhiin ow horongiin talbaig hamgaalah tus ulsad medeelliin sestim gargah mon udirdlagiin tolowlogoo baiguulah ulsiig demjih
-delhiin ow horongiig hamgaalahiin tuld uridhilan sergiileh mergejliin beltgel bolon tehnikiin demjlegeer hangaj tuslah