Friday, December 15, 2006

Mongolia New Year Celebration
According to the Tibeto-Mongolian calendar the New Year begin at 6:29 am on the morning of February 9. This was the exact moment of the New Moon. The temperature at this hour was a frosty 42 degrees below 0 F. The Mongolian New Year, known as Tsagaan Sar (White Month) is the biggest holiday of the year in Mongolia, kind of like Western Christmas and New Year’s combined on one day. The day before I had been to the Dalai Eej (Oceanic Mother) Supermarket and encountered one of the biggest crowds I have ever seen there. Everyone was out shopping in anticipation of the big day. What was surprising was the number of people with long shopping lists. I had never before seen people in Mongolia with shopping lists, at least not in grocery stores.The next morning, February 9, I took a taxi out to Dambadarjaa Monastery in the the suburb of Dambadarjaa, north of the city proper. Dambadarjaa Monastery was completed in 1765 and dedicated to the memory of the Second Bogd Gegen of Mongolia , the successor to Zanabazar, the First Bogd Gegen of Mongolia. The Second Bogd Gegen Luvsandambiidomen was born in 1724. His mother was Bayart, the queen of Tusheet Khan Dondovdorj. Dondovdorj’s second wife was Princess Amgalan, the daughter of the Qing Emperor. She is buried at Gunjin Sum.Dambadarjaa Monastery was closed down by the communists in 1934 and 107 of the monks in residence there received the death penalty. The monastery was reopened after the fall of communist and has recently been refurbished. The monastery now has its own Website (donations accepted by PayPal or major credit card).Each day for the week around Tsagaan Sar the monks performed the prayer ceremony known as Tsogchin, which was written by Zanabazar, in the ger temple to the side of the main temple.

-Mongoliin Shine jil.
mongoliin calendar Tibeto toogiin daguu 2r sariin 9nii oglooo buyu 6:29 minutaas shine jil eheldeg gej uzdeg.yag ene tsagt shine sar gardag.Ene ued tsag agaar ni mash huiten buyu oiroltsoogoor -0 hemees 42 hem hurtel huiterdeg.Mongoliin shie jil buyu Tsagaan sar ni mongoliin hamgiin tom bayart tootsogddog.Yag zul sariin bayar shig tom.
Tsagaan sar bolohiin omnoh odor ni bi dalian eej supermarketruu ochson,tend omno ni harj bgaagui ih hun bhiig bi uzsen.Mongolchuud ene bayaraa temdeglehiin tuld bugd delguur yawdag bn.Delguuriin oochir mash urt baihiig haraad bi ih gaihsan.Mongold urid ni bi hezee ch iim urt oochir bhiig haraagui.Daraagiin ogloo buyu 2r sariin 9nd bihotiin hoino bairlah Dambadarjaagiin zahad bairldag Dambadarjaa hiidruu taxi barij ochson. Ene hiid ni 1765 ond barigdsan ene ni Mongoliin 2r Bogd gegeen,Zanabazariin ow, mon mongoliin 1r Bogd gegeenii dursgald zoriulagdjee.2r Bogd gegeen Luwsandambiidom ni 1724 ond torson.Tuunii eej Bayart Tusheet han Dovdondorjiin hatan baijee.Dovdondorjiin 2r ehner ni haant ulsiin hatnii ohin buyu gunj Amgalan baijee.Ter gunjiin sumd orshuulagdsan.
Dambadarjaa hiid ni 1934 onii kominustiin ulmaas haagdsan ba 107 lam helmegden nas barjee.Ene hiid ni kominust unasanii daraa dahin neegdsen.Mon ooriin gesen web huudastai boljee,(credit kart bolon paypol.r handiv huleen avsan.)Hiidiin gold bairlah ger dotor Zanabazariin bichsen Tsogchin nomiig lam nar tsagaan sariin 7honogiin tursh unshin huralddag bna.

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